Why Starbucks Claims Certain LA Stores are Too Unsafe to Operate? Discover The Reason

For many, the familiar green siren logo of Starbucks is more than just a caffeine fix – it’s a community hub for business meetings, dates, and a place for those in need to grab a free water or use the restroom. However, Starbucks has announced the closure of 16 locations across major U.S. cities like Los Angeles, Seattle, Philadelphia, and Washington D.C., citing safety concerns as the driving force behind these shut downs. In this article we talk about Why Starbucks Claims Certain LA Stores are Too Unsafe to Operate.

In Los Angeles alone, six Starbucks stores are being shuttered:

  • Hollywood Blvd and Vine St
  • Santa Monica Blvd and Westmount Dr in West Hollywood
  • 1st and Los Angeles St (inside DoubleTree hotel)
  • Hollywood Blvd and Western Ave
  • Ocean Front Walk and Moss Ave in Santa Monica
  • 2nd and San Pedro St

The company referenced drug use, threatening behavior, and an overall unsafe environment as reasons for closing these LA area stores. But the closures have sparked controversy, with some customers and employees questioning the true motives.

A Tale of Two Perspectives

For regulars like Anna Gonzalez, who frequents the downtown LA store across from LAPD headquarters, the closure is disappointing but not entirely surprising given the growing homeless population and petty crime in the area. “It’s only going to get worse without the business,” she lamented.

Others like Liz Venz, a customer at the Hollywood and Vine location, expressed frustration at the city’s inability to address safety issues. “You can’t walk to work, you can’t live comfortably and nothing’s being done about it…It’s not a good neighborhood anymore.”

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However, some are skeptical of Starbucks’ stated reasons. Chris Muncey, who visited the doomed 1st and Los Angeles store, called safety a “palatable excuse” if there were financial motives behind the closures.

An anonymous employee who worked at the two closing downtown spots revealed she had been threatened, cursed at, and even had hot water thrown at her – yet Starbucks failed to provide adequate security despite her filing incident reports.

The Unionization Angle

Adding more fuel to the controversy are claims by the union Starbucks Workers United that several of the stores slated for closure had either voted to unionize or petitioned for a union vote, fueling suspicions that the closures are really an anti-union tactic.

Starbucks has vehemently denied these allegations, stating the move is simply “part of our business operations.” However, the company has been plagued by charges of illegally firing union organizers amid a wave of recent unionization efforts.

The Homelessness and Crime Link

It’s no secret that Los Angeles, like many major cities, is grappling with an escalating homelessness crisis intricately linked to property crimes and safety issues – factors frequently cited by Starbucks as motivations for the store closures.

In West Hollywood, Mayor Pro Tem Sepi Shyne acknowledged an “uptick of reports of aggressive behavior” near the Santa Monica Blvd store, with workers complaining about response times from law enforcement.

Crime data from the Hollywood and Vine location shows 101 calls for service since January, including 14 assaults. Private security guards admit having to frequently remove individuals from that Starbucks location.

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The downtown stores near LAPD headquarters have seen 77 calls since the start of 2023, mostly for theft but also 12 assaults.

A City-Wide or National Issue?

While Los Angeles is taking the brunt with six store closures, the same scenes have played out in Seattle, Philadelphia, Washington D.C and other cities where Starbucks is shuttering locations.

Some have blamed “woke” policies and progressive criminal justice reforms by Democratic leaders in these cities. On Fox News, former White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany claimed, “Until you fix the problem up here with elected officials…you’re not going to fix the problems in the streets, and the businesses are leaving.”

A Wider Economic Impact

Beyond Starbucks, the store closures could have a rippling economic effect on surrounding businesses that rely on the foot traffic the coffee giant provides.

In West Hollywood’s “Bo-Ho” neighborhood, the Starbucks closure is being called a “shock to the community” that could impact other area businesses and shake up the lively dynamic of the region.

The Debate Rages On

As the Starbucks closures move forward, the debate continues to rage about whether the coffee behemoth is being fully transparent about its motives and reasonings.

Some Los Angeles regulars have accepted the closures with resignation, noting the unfortunate reality of crisis-level homelessness and crime. As Starbucks employee Anthony Flores stated about the downtown store nearest City Hall, “It’s downtown, so it kind of comes with the territory.”

Others remain firmly skeptical that safety and crime are the sole factors, suspecting financial motivations or an anti-union agenda lurking beneath the surface of Starbucks’ public statements.

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One thing is certain – the loss of the community hubs and meeting places that Starbucks stores have become will leave a noticeable void in many Los Angeles neighborhoods. Whether the closures truly stem from unsafe conditions or are rooted in other controversies, only time will tell how the city’s landscape is reshaped in their absence. I sincerely hope you find this “Why Starbucks Claims Certain LA Stores are Too Unsafe to Operate? Discover The Reason” article helpful.

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